Hunting in Port O’Connor

Photo Courtesy of James Prince
Hunting in the Port O’Connor area is considered world class by some. There are several varieties of hunting which include waterfowl, geese, alligator, deer and exotics.
The bays in the Texas Coastal Bend are ideal for Central Flyway ducks during the winter. Roughly 14 different species of ducks can be seen flying overhead during the winter months. These include Redhead, Widgeon, Pintail, Gadwall, and Teal. Due to the lateness in the season the most beautiful plummage can be seen on these birds. The marshes around Port O’Connor are a great source of exciting duck hunting action. Check our guide section to find the right fit for your next trip.
Goose Hunts-
The Texas coastal prairies fill with several species of geese in the winter. Snow, Blue, Ross, Specklebelly, and Canadian geese are all present and provide fast paced hunting adventures for the avid outdoorsman.
Deer and Exotics-
If your looking for a little deer hunting then you’ve also found the right place. Whitetail hunting is always a blast and many great opportunities to take trophy class bucks are available in our area. If you need something a little more out of the box try your hand at some of the exotics hunting offered. Axis, Blackbuck, Eland Bull, Fallow Deer, Hawiian Blk, Russian Boar, Scimitar Oryx, Sika Deer, Wildebeest, and Zebra just to name a few.