Enjoy playing Games? Join us for Bunco, the first Tuesday of each month. Beginning at 7:00 pm, at the Community Center we start having fun! Only $5 to play!
Come on by to learn more about local 4-H projects and activities, including upcoming Calhoun County Fair info! Enjoy some refreshments and share your own 4-H experiences! Get preview of club members'' upcoming Calhoun Junior Livestock Show entries!
Boggy Nature Park, Port O'Connor. Leisurely Paddle toward west to the setting sun, then east into Matagorda Bay toward the rising full moon. Snacks & Refreshments provided at takeout. Suggested donatio $20. Registration Required. SABayPartnership.org. Contact Allan Berger 713-829-2852 or email allanberger@comcast.net
Calling all Cooks of Every Kind, New Cooks Included! Hooper's Bar & Grill 11th Annual Chili and Gumbo Cookoff. Benefits Friends of the Port O'Connor Library. Sanctioned cookoff sponsored by Central Tolbert Chili Group. Silent Auction, 50/50 Raffle, Tasting Cups and more... To enter contact Jim Hooper, 361-983-4249 or hooper@pdq.net