Port O’Connor Summer Slide

End of the summer Texas coastal airboat ride with beachin’, boatin’, poker run, raffles and a live band!

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

Chamber Meeting

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

Adopt a Beach cleanup

Boggy Nature Park/Port O'Connor Check-in: At the birding observation deck Contact: Alexa Cordova 361-573-2428 alexa.cordova@texasadoptabeach.org King Fisher Beach/Port O'Connor Check-in: Pavilion at King Fisher Beach Contact: Roxanne Ochoa 361-746-4965 roxanne.ochoa@texasadoptabeach.org

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!