POC Library Halloween Event
Games, Decorate Cupcakes, and Build a Haunted House
Games, Decorate Cupcakes, and Build a Haunted House
Calling all Cooks of Every Kind, New Cooks Included! Hooper's Bar & Grill 11th Annual Chili and Gumbo Cookoff. Benefits Friends of the Port O'Connor Library. Sanctioned cookoff sponsored by Central Tolbert Chili Group. Silent Auction, 50/50 Raffle, Tasting Cups and more... To enter contact Jim Hooper, 361-983-4249 or hooper@pdq.net
All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday. After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!
Holocaust survivor Rose Sherman Williams will have a book signing and Refreshments
Everyone welcome! Costume 4:00 pm. Games, Haunted House, Cake walk, Rffle, Food & Drinks, Bucket Raffle, Pumpkin Carving Contest (Bring by 3:45)
All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday. After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!
All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday. After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!
Enjoy playing Games? Join us for Bunco, the first Tuesday of each month. Beginning at 7:00 pm, at the Community Center we start having fun! Only $5 to play!
Collecting non-perishables for POC food pantry.
All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday. After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!