19th Amendment Prohibition

Josies Mexican Food & Cantina 610 W Adams, Port O'Connor, TX

Come Experience The 1920’s & Bring In 2020 At The Speak Easy Cantina. Codes Will Be Given To Enter, Pick Your Favorite Person To Represent & Enjoy The Talk & Moonshine. Once RSVP, We Will Contact You With More Details.

Firemans 4 Race 2020

FURTHER DETAILS FORTHCOMING, but please SAVE THE DATE for the 2020 Fireman's 4 Race to be held on Saturday, July 4th!

Sweetheart Banquet

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

Dinner, Entertainment, Prizes, Citizen of the Year award! Tickets $10 each.  Cal 361-983-2727

Senior Luncheon

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

License to Carry a Handgun Class

POC Rod & Gun 89 N Byers, Port O'Connor, TX, United States

Price: $100.00 Date: February 15, 2020 Location: 110 Steve St. Port O'Connor, TX Must register and prepay at Port O'Connor Rod & Gun before class day. The class is mandated by the state of TEXAS to be 4-6 hours of class time, which does not include the written test or the time it takes to

Senior Luncheon

POC Community Center Port O'Connor, TX

All seniors are invited to join in for lunch at 11:30 am at the POC Community Center each Tuesday.  After lunch (aprox 1:00 pm) enjoy a game of Bingo!

Crab Trap Removal

Help is needed for the annual crab trap pick up. Boat drivers are needed to carry a crew of pickers and a data entry person to clean an assigned area. Afterwards you are invited to a post pickup party.   Please contact Allan Berger at 713-829-2852 or allanberger@comcast.net for more information